
Ilava - factory Visteon Slovakia

location: Ilava // Trenčín region
nature of project: factory
production of components for cars
land area: 18,7ha
investment volume: 49 million €


Bratislava - logistic park KARIMPOL

location: Senec // Bratislava region
nature of the project: logistic centre
land area: 15,85 ha
investment volume: 66 million €


Ilava - factory LEONI Autokabel Slowakia

location: Ilava // Trenčín region
nature of the project: factory
production of cable components for BMW
land area: 7,52 ha
investment volume: 30 million €


Gabčíkovo - agricultural area

location: Gabčíkovo // Trnava region
nature of the project: accumulation of the largest agricultural property in Slovakia
(arable land + farm yards)
land area: 65 ha of farm yards + 6 tis. ha arable land
investment volume: 54 million €

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