

PROFINEX Group capitalizes on its knowledge and years of experience in construction business from all types of projects. Our activities in this segment are an integral part of PROFINEX Group because we also benefit as a developer using this know-how. Construction business is an essential part of the investment, construction and development, because its implementation most often affects the final construction and is important for future life quality of end users.

We offer wide services portfolio – from residential building construction to mining

We are active in the construction of utilities, infrastructure, logistics and industrial buildings, retail, reconstruction and implementation of residential buildings through our divisions, subsidiaries and affiliated companies, operating not only in Slovakia but also throughout Europe, where we as well include specific activities, such as construction of environmental and energy facilities or mining.

In all above mentioned areas PROFINEX Group offers a wealth of experience and knowledge to its clients, while the priority goal is to hand over the building in the best possible outcome. Therefore every construction project becomes challenge for us with the maximum client satisfaction at the end.